This lie reveals your true target

Even with a rhythmic and consistent putting stroke, if you’re playing with the incorrect lie angle, your putts are likely starting on a false target line. Once we’ve fitted you for a putter with a lie angle that complements your posture, you’re on your way to having more fun on the greens.

Stay grounded

Is the toe or heel of your putter off the ground at address? Do you miss putts predominantly on one side of the hole? There’s a good chance the issue stems from the lie angle of your putter and not your stroke.

To hit more putts on your intended target line, the sole of your putter should rest on the ground as you address your putt.

A shift in lie angle, of as little as one or two degrees, could be the difference between shaving the edges and finding the heart of the cup!

Stay grounded

Get fitted and elevate your game, not your putter head.



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